Can I Include the Family Pet in Our Photos?

Of course! If you follow me on social media you know I am a dog lover. Our doodles will be 10 this year so I try to include them in pictures often! For a family session we usually get the pet photos at the end of our time together. Keep reading for some tips to make your session a success!

Things to Bring Along:

  • Bring a friend to keep watch over your pet until it is time for the spotlight. With smaller pets a carrier will work fine to bring them along on location.
  • TREATS - These will help keep their attention and reward for those big smiles!

Before the Session:

  • A good long walk will help your pup's demeanor when it comes to sitting still.
  • Practice commands or any tricks that may be useful when posing.
  • We put a lot into our appearance for photos why not do the same for your pet? If you can't get to the groomer a bath and brush will do!

Pets can be as unpredictable as your toddler but don't stress! we save them for the end so we've already gotten all the best family shots.