Chicago Headshot Session

How many years has it been since you've gotten together with your best group of friends? We all have a group we refer to as our "besties" from way back when - high school, college, or even from a past job. We share this collective experience that brings back some of the most fun memories from our now much longer lives. For me, it's my college girlfriends and roommates. It's been 15 years since we graduated and life has taken us all in many different directions. Between the 7 of us we are in 4 different states, all are married, and there are 13 children among us! When you spell it out that way it is easier to understand why it had been 3 years since we were all in the same room!

While visiting them all in Chicago this past weekend we decided make our Saturday evening out include a quick headshot session for all. There was no need to location scout in such a beautiful place - we were able to find just the right lighting/backdrop for each woman's portrait. Those photographed encompass a variety of occupations and I did my best to choose a spot reflective of their personality and career. Headshots aren't just for actors and work badges anymore! Most of us are on LinkedIn or have some kind of work related social profile. Many of these ladies are currently using a decade old photograph! If you can relate to this let's remedy this problem!

Plan an evening out with your besties - get dressed up, meet up for a cocktail downtown and a group headshot session! I promise to make it easy and fun!

To my ladies - thank you for capturing some behind the scenes images and suggesting a quick headshot of my own!